Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Baju utk Bridesmaid ku

Aku tiba2 TERPIKAT dgn this one design..yang i think mesti nampak cantik for my Pengapit/Bridesmaid.
I haven't decide warna nya lagi..BUT this design really catch my attention.

Photo by Fier Nawal Studio

Lawa kannnnn?? it looks flowyyyyy.... and in the middle atu..mau simpan Manik2 yg ber meter tu...yg main jahit sja... Those berjual d HOKKO. and also arah hujung tangan. Lawa kan? Pastiiiiii.... heheh
But colour nya...would be different.. PLUS... something pastel lah....

Now im thinking where to get the kain...and many to get. But i think now im Down to only 4 Bridesmaid for the KB receptions....huhuhuhu....pasal ada yg nda dpt cuti.
Oh well.... nda apa lah... as long as yg lain can come and attend.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Tarikh dan Tempat

Tarikh penting dalam hidup kami….

13th Jan 2012 – Hari Pertunangan
1st June 2012 – Hari Pernikahan

Despite choosing dates berdasarkan Calendar omputeh, yang paling penting, tarikh Islam nya. Maksud I Tarikh calendar Islam…
Apa apa yang kita buat, Sebagai seorang Muslim, jangan selalu nak membelakangkan Agama kita sendiri. Biar lah apa org nak kata
Dalam kubur nanti, depa tolong jawab? Tak kannnnn

I made my own research jugak ni. 1st ly, the reason why I chose 1st june is because, 31st May is Public holiday for both Brunei and Sabah.
Second thing is because, it’s a long weekend… So the KK Family can spend time with me HERE…ohh..and the 3rd thing is because… start from 31st May, for 2 weeks, it’s a School Holiday.
Mudahan lah the kids can spend time with me..i mean my nieces. Coz lepas kahwin, I know it’s not gonna be the same. Mudahan lah tiada apa yang berubah.. I just HOPE.

So, back to the original topic, Tarikh Islam sempena tarikh2 important yang I pilih tu ialah

13th Jan 2012 -  18hb Safar 1433
18hb adalah hari yang baik bagi segala hajat. Barangsiapa yang bertemu musuh, akan mendapat kemenangan dengan Takdir Allah.

1st June 2012 – 11hb Rajab 1433
11hb adalah hari yang baik untuk segala hajat jugak, untuk bermusafir, jual beli dan bercucuk tanam.

Sejarah yang pernah berlaku dalam bulan Rajab:
Sejarah Islam telah mencatatkan beberapa peristiwa penting telah berlaku didalam bulan rejab, diantaranya ialah:

Pertama-Peristiwa israk dan mikraj yang berlaku pada 27 Rejab mengikut pendapat sebahagian besar ulama Islam, ia adalah peristiwa dimana Rasulullah s.a.w telah diperjalankan dari Mekah ke Baitil Muqaddis dan kemudiannya diangkat kelangit untuk bertemu Allah SWT, disinilah bermulanya kefarduan solat lima waktu kepada umat Muhammad s.a.w.

Kedua-Peristiwa hijrah yang pertama ke negeri Habshah oleh beberapa orang sahabat Rasulullah s.a.w termasuk Saidina Uthman Bin Affan ra dan isterinya Ruqayyah binti Rasulullah s.a.w.

Ketiga-Peristiwa perang Tabuk yang berlaku pada tahun kesembilan hijrah. Ia adalah peperangan yang menguji iman para sahabat kerana ia beraku pada musim panas.Pertempuran ini dipimpin oleh Rasulullah s.a.w sendiri untuk menentang tentera Rom yang ingin mengembangkan pengaruhnya ke semenanjung Tanah Arab. Walau bagaimana pun pertempuran tidak berlaku kerana tentera Rom membatalkan hasrat mereka lantaran perasaan gentar dan takut dengan kehebatan dan kekentalan jiwa tentera Islam.

Selain daripada itu,terdapat juga peristiwa penting lain yang berlaku didalam bulan yang mulia ini seperti kelahiran Imam ahlis sunnah, Imam As-Shafie yang menjadi ikutan mazhab umat Islam ditanah air iaitulah dalam bulan rejab tahun 150 Hijrah bersamaan 767 Masihi.

See... banyak sangat peristiwa penting dalam bulan Rajab Alhamdulillah, i've chosen something with a good history. not just based on Cuti awam je...hehehe

I hope things will go as i expect it to be.... Cuma i'm worried that the 2nd Venue in line that im eyeing on, is still not open to public yet...
How depressing that can be =(
Mudahan lah dpt pakai on time... Amin...Amin...Amin....

Friday, 9 December 2011

An of today

Oh My... it's ONE month and FIVE days more to go...
and i'm pretty nervous about this...

As nervous as i am about Engagement and Wedding... i'm also Sad that i have to leave my room.
Dad wants me to take another room...the bigger room infront...
mcm sedih rasa nya...tapi... *sigh* ntah lah ahh.... maybe ada hikmah nya....
I might want to change the door jua..... i mean the Door to living room.
it got 2 doors... 1 from outside and another to living room.
so the area near outside door will be living room..and im thinking to use it kalau makeup org jua
then another area is our Bedroom...and we'll be having our own toilet.

all this will happen AFTER the engagement...wont take too long i guess....

Friday, 18 November 2011

A here and There update

Hello Readers(kalau ada lah..tapi pasti ada kan? hehe)

i've been down with stress and sadness these few days... but lets not talk about it.
I haven't stopped doing googling..walaupun hati tengah parah..
And i just found these listing...from, a Brunei based Wedding Directory, but unfortunately..the blog is no more there sebab Domain tu dah kena removed. cuma entries masih berada in www.
It's somehow a Checklist for both Groom and Bride..... I now think i have ALOT to do...after tgk listing ni hehehe...


For the Groom

Upon Confirmation of Dates
! Get application form from the Ministry of Religious Affairs
! Dates of Marriage Course classes should be given
! Signature of the Ketua Kampong will be required
Gifts for Hantaran! How many trays are intended
! Purchasing of wedding Ring
! Purchasing of the gifts for your loved one
! Decoration of gifts
! How many invited guests expected for each function
! Rental of Tents for three functions
! Choose Menu accordingly (lunch / hi-tea / dinner)
! Find out payment of catering per head
! Set aside budget for catering
Attire! Choose colour theme of three functions
! Decide on whether you would like to use traditional Songket or Satin for Nikah ceremony
! Attire to be made or rented
! Purchasing of new Shoes & socks
! Traditional Attire to be rented
Photographer! Choose a photographer you feel comfortable with
! Have a look at his portfolio
! Check if he is free for your dates of ceremonies
! Discuss the payment fees
! Deposit
Videographer! Choose a videographer you feel comfortable with
! Have a look at the coverage of weddings he has done
! Check if he is free to cover your ceremonies
! Discuss the payment
Invitation Cards! Choose a theme colour for your invitation card
! Type out 'Wakil Yang Berharap' list
! Draft the Nikah/Berbedak/Bersanding invitations for the Printing company
! Budget per souvenier
! Survey more than 2 shops for gifts
! Estimate number of guests for each function
! For customized paper bags, check with your local printing company for prices
Penganun! Ask your parents or relatives who would be best
! Set aside budget for sedekah
Pelamin for Majlis Malam Berbedak! Set aside a budget for rental of pelamin
! Survey Bridal Boutiques for different designs
! Discuss with the pelamin designer and mention the colour theme of your Berbedak outfit
! Get measurements of the space where you intend to put the pelamin (height & width)
For the Malam Berbedak
! Inquire at your local mosque for "Dzikir" people
! Set aside sedekah for Dzikir people
! Bunga Telur for guests

For the Bride

Gifts for Balas Hantaran
! Find out how many trays are intended
! Purchasing of wedding Ring for Groom? Engraved?
! Purchasing of the gifts for your loved one
! Decoration of gifts
Catering! How many invited guests expected for each function
! Rental of Tents for three functions
! Choose Menu accordingly (lunch / hi-tea / dinner)
! Find out payment of catering per head
! Set aside budget for catering
Attire (including Jewellery and Shoes)! Decide on the design of your Nikah, Berbedak and Bersanding outfits.
! Attire to be made or rented
! Purchasing of new Shoes each to match the outfits
! Rental of traditional wedding attire for berbedak ceremony
! Rental, purchasing or borrowing of Jewellery
Make-up Artist & Hair stylist! Find a make-up artist you feel comforatble with
! Decide on whether you would like your hair to be done or will be wearing tudong
! Get a quotation of prices of their services
Ask your parents or relatives who would be best
! Set aside budget for sedekah
Photographer! Choose a photographer you feel comfortable with
! Have a look at his portfolio
! Check if he is free for your dates of ceremonies
! Discuss the payment fees
! Deposit
Videographer! Choose a videographer you feel comfortable with
! Have a look at the coverage of weddings he has done
! Check if he is free to cover your ceremonies
! Discuss the payment
Bedroom Renovation/Decoration! Decide on whether you will be renovating or just decorating
! Set aside a budget
! If painting or renovating, make sure its not done too close to the wedding day
! Survey Linen for Bedding to purchase OR rent from Bridal boutiques
Invitation Cards! Choose a theme colour for your invitation card
! Type out 'Wakil Yang Berharap' list
! Draft the Nikah/Berbedak/Bersanding invitations for the Printing company
! Budget per souvenier
! Survey more than 2 shops for gifts
! Estimate number of guests for each function
! For customized paper bags, check with your local printing company for prices
Pelamin! Set aside a budget for rental of pelamins
! Decide on whether you want just one pelamin or different ones for each ceremony
! Survey Bridal Boutiques for different designs
! Discuss with the pelamin designer and mention the colour theme of your outfits
! Get measurements of the space where you intend to put the pelamin (height & width)
For the Nikah Day! Rental of the Four Dians(Big candles) and Kasur Namat (cushion) at Bridal Boutiques
! Microphone & Sound system (optional)
! Confirm attendance of your Wali & Witnesses
For the Malam Berbedak
! Inquire at your local mosque for "Dzikir" people
! Set aside sedekah for Dzikir people
! Bunga Telur for guests

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Update and Amendment on Brg Hantaran

As Salam...
Boring today.. Bf is off to Jkt-Palembang for Sea Games *sigh*
So i'm thinking of updating my Blog tentang Hantaran Pertunangan.

We're gonna have Pink and Green Theme... i know it's kinda not right combination but who cares. Apa nya urg Blocking Colours hehehe
why Green? bcoz 1st time jumpa(on the same date we chose for Engagement), he wore GREEN.
Why Pink, coz i have a kain which is Green and Pink in colour heheh and Pink is Sweet
So gubahan hantaran from me to him will be Greenish
from him to me will be Pinkish.

Photos by Google Search... hehe

I'm not sure what the BF will be giving me aside from Telekung, perfume, cincin tunang...tu je yg i tau.
But we've decided to give a Few now, and yg nda d bagi skrg, we will give next yr time hantar berian.

But for give him for engagement... paling banyak pun.. 11 items je lah COZ i just booked 11 dulang to be Sewa hehehe so since i already buy barang2 for Engagement... i'm just gonna list it down here

1) Al-Quran (we're thinking of the E-Quran..gonna ask my cuz to get it in KL)
2) Buku Hantaran (which will consist of permintaan hantaran..Made by Rozi Yunos)
3) Perfumes (Thanks Dr. Ak.N for buying it for me)
4) Working Attire with Tie (Thanks NIG for accompanying me to buy those stuff)
5) Belt and Wallet
6) Maybe Kain Baju Melayu with Sinjang and Studd
7) Cakes
8) Food
9) Food
10) Food
11) Fruits

This means he should give me ONLY 9 Items includes Al-Quran, Telekung, Cincin, perfumes...and ia pikir lah sndiri..hehehe

i'll start mengubah barang2 by December... Insya Allah....

Til Then....

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Mett & Zirah's Receptions

Love the Reception Video of my Cousin's Wedding....

Cantik kannnn? Enjoyyy....

Video by 48th|Studio

Zirah + Mett from on Vimeo.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Ku Pinang Kau Dengan Bismillah...


Sesi peminangan(meminang) telah berlangsung tadi. Rombongan Pihak Lelaki sebanyak 9 org telah tiba jam 3.30pm...(i was really nervous to the max)

We prepared meals seawal pagi tadi..
Most are ordered from close friends and family... Thank u also to my cousin, Kak Dk, for helping out and providing the plates and all those things.

Alhamdulillah... Everything went well... Tho' i wasnt there(kena suruh duduk dlm bilik) to witness everything, but they said it was fine.

Now just tunggu news from the BF side... Mudahan lah drg setuju dgn permintaan from our side. Honestly... Permintaan tu (the list) semua nya i yg buat. I asked around..especially close families... Minta tolong org tua tua jugak lah.... Tu pun byk kali tukar amount Berian... But the final one, i hope family BF ok lah....

So next... Tinggal nak prepare utk Engagement session...

Thursday, 3 November 2011

A Cousin Wedding

Selamat Pengantin Baru To my Handsome Cousin, Mett and His Lovely Wife, Zirah on the 28th October 2011.

Was so Glad to be there and to witness their Nikah and Reception ceremony.

Here's a video taken during their nikah ceremony by their official photog/videographer at Masjid Bandaraya, Kg. Likas, KK

Zirah & Mett from on Vimeo.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Exchange Links....

Hi Uollsss....

I Seriously not sure whether there are anyone(other than those yang pernah comment and follow this blog) who actually read this blog.

Would Love to know you and exchange link.

Just drop your link kat comment... i will link balik as soon as i have the time....

Thank You...

Love Much,
Miz Heart

Sunday, 23 October 2011

A visit to Bridal Gallery

Me and BF went to visit this Bridal Gallery(RR) in Kiulap... We saw raw songket(yg belum jahit) just like what he's looking for. But since terlampau ramai sangat org di sana time tu.. We decided to go to another place. We went to another Bridal Gallery in Kiarong..unfortunately, TUTUP! Apa lah..tutup on sunday.... Sunday lah time org ramai nda kerja and have time to go around. BENCI!

Then we went to the 1st Bridal gallery punya cawangan in Serusup... I saw 1 lace yg i really like.... Memang lawa banget!! Hehehe tapi kan yg boring nya... We cant try on the dresses there. We have to pay deposit dulu baru boleh try... Mcm WTH, how if we dont like the fashion or design or we decided on another colour? Cali jua eh.... Cannot be. Tapi yelah maybe nada rezeki kan try the baju there.

I just wish we had the chance to try on the baju.... Tapi..huhuhuh... Nda apa lah...nanti check on other bridal gallery...mana tau ada yg boleh test hehehe

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Veil Nikah...

Alhamdulillah... Satu Masalah sudah selesai. Selepas ni, i hope tak ada lagi masalah yang akan membuatkan kami menukar nukar this and that...huhuhuhu

But hari ni bukan nak cerita tentang masalah... nak cerita tentang Veil. I was thinking, since my Nikah will be ODD and SIMPLE... i will be wearing simple and Gorgeous veil. something that i can wear without a tiara.
aku suka sangat veil yang di pakai oleh Intan on her Nikah event. and she DIY it HERSELF okaaayyyyy.....

The Bride is so gorgeous riteeeee..... <3

Monday, 17 October 2011

An Update.... on a Monday Blues...

Hello There... I am officially 28th Years old... i'm OLD!!
Alhamdulillah... Allah bagi rezeki untuk hidup sehingga ke umur ni.
I am blessed! Oh.. my birthday is not today.. But Last Week.

I dont have much update... just that i have pre-booked Abdul Hamid bin Aji(check out the name in Facebook) for his pelamins on my events.
i booked him as early as possible, why? pasal takut ia not available.

I have issues..well WE have issues on my 2nd Reception baju. Dont wanna comment too much on it, takut ada yang tersinggung. Just that, we have to cancel it for some reason...huhuhuh...
Tapi tak pe.. bukan rezeki lah kannnnnn......
Seriously...Tak pe....

Friday, 7 October 2011

Absolutely Gorgeous by Amy

Woot! Woot!
Aku baru citer citer pasal kasut.... Tetiba je... aku jumpa one blog ni...
YANGGGGGG boleh.... provide "Made to Measure" shoes...
Amazing kan!!!!

Check the link here Absolutely Gorgeous


I think most brides selalu iski looking Busana Pengantin... More than mencari kasut for the events.
It's kinda difficult to find the RIGHT shoes that we're looking for in Brunei ni...
The closest place is KK - 1B, Suria Sabah etc

For me, i prefer and open toe thick heels and also with strap. I know payah to look for... i just wish ada Tukang Kasut here in Brunei...huhuhuh

Here are Some of the Example of shoes that i would like to have and wear during my event... HOPE i can get it...hehehe

This Off-White shoe is SO GORGEOUS!!!

yg ni cantik tapi pasti SAKIT KAKI

This purple show above pun lawa..tapi mesti sakit kaki kan hehe

Love this... i think we can add stones on the shoes utk nampak lagi lawa...

This would fit perfectly and i wont have problem walking on it hehe

This is DEFINITELY a MUST HAVE Shoe... Mudahan murah rezeki....

Lets just wait until i get the chance to do the shopping and choose MY OWN WEDDING SHOES.... hehe

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

An Update...

Been awhile... i'm still searching for Light/Pale pink material utk buat baju tunang....
Yesterday ada terjumpa kain light pink in KB Town...mcm lawa jua jenis nya... i might just go on with it...pasal BF ckp..utk ia nda payah since he got pink cara melayu...but i said "jgn nanti mcm bandung" LOL... hehehe mana lah tau pink colournya tu mcm air bandung...(air sirap campur susu heheh).. HOPEFULLY NOT!!

Well...Lets pray everything will go well.... I'll be flying off to KK end of this month...for a SHORT trip(cousin kawin...nanti post gambar here heheh) so kalau ada kesempatan... wanna buy a few stuff utk hantaran engagement... YES buat sndiri for engagement... and for kawin nanti baru hire someone to do it. Mudahan ada masa lah ahh..sebab ye lah..singkat kan time nya..but mudahan lah... Doa2 kan je lah heheh

And... I think i have an idea sudah what Materials / Colour to buy for my Girls to wear during My Wedding. You just have to TUNGGU, I'll give it WITH the Design and You just have to Jahit urself (hantar ke tailor lah) and wear it on that day. YES semua kena SAMA. Same Colour, Same Design, Same Materials.

And... i think... i'm gonna tell the rest of the girls about this Blog....

So Girls... if you READ this... please Comment on this post....
if u see "

Friday, 30 September 2011

SPANX Pre-Order by Kerry Blogshop

Baru dapat Email dari KERRY, 21hours ago... heheh bukan baru dpt.. baru baca lah...
Masa ni ada Contest... Give Away Contest by Kerry
So Teringin sangat nak join contest ni... menang atau tak, TAK KISAH... janji kita join je.
Closing date is on my Birth Day...mana lah tau, Kerry sudi bagi Birthday Gift hehehe =p

Dah lama dengar tentang Spanx ni, Well, i have been using alot of undergarments yang ala-ala utk menutup lelemak yg bertaburan kat badan ni(LOL-...Blame it on Mom's Cooking hehehe).. Mati lah i kalau mak tau i complain...tapi ye lah... lemak sana sini..gemuk...aiii byk spare tyre... nak tutup macam mana yerrrrr??? Nanti tengah2 duduk kan pelamin..kluar pulak gulambir2 lemak... ke nak duduk menegak je... susak dikkk hehehe

When i first dengar pasal Spanx ni, rasa mcm... "eh betul ke?" since ive been using alot of product already sebelum ni...and most tak memuaskan hati heheh Then.... bila Blog Hopping i found Kerry's Blog and actually the pricing kalau convert to B$ is quite reasonable. tu Satu... kedua nya,...shipping cost pun sangat Reasonable.

Kalau ada yang kata Mahal... i just wanna say "Good Things Doesnt come Cheap". This is something every Bride-2-Be should purchase and it's a MUST!!! It Stays perfectly on ur skin making your body look naturally slim and solid. Haiiiii..sapeee tak nak??? sayang nyaaa... nak ke org tgk lemak lemak kita time wedding nanti? hehehe... nanti alamat, suami yg dok kat sebelah pelamin ni pun terpengsaaaaannn tgk benjolan spare tyre yg terkluar.... hehehe....

Hey, Now Everyone can be Beautiful.... With Spanx!!! So Invest in Spanx and Be Confidence with you beautiful Body. Cepat lah Cepat.... Jangan Ketinggalan.... Gituuuu heheh

Here are the BEFORE and AFTER Photos of Spanx User

(Thank You Google Images)

See The Difference??? Cantik kan? So Apa Lagi.... Pakat ramai2 order Spanx dari Kerry

Jangan Lupa Order dari Kerry Ye......

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Makeup.. and the Pengiring

Kali ni mau buat 2 entry... sebab malas mau byk2 post... satu post ni saja lah with 2 different topic.

1stly nak ckp pasal Make-up.... I love how Malaysia's bride have their makeup do for their Big Day... It's Naturally Sweet and Cantik. I dont really like those Indonesian style yg nampak Over shading and stuff... seriously dont like that.
I like those yg mcm FARAH AF2... and yg terbaru... Memey(i dont like her but i think her makeup do is UBER Gorgeous)
Check the photos here (Photos grabbed from There...u cant see harsh shadings there... sweet sja kan???

Here's another topic.... i'm still thinking about the colours for my beautiful gorgeous ladies.... yang mengiringi time nikah and sanding.... I love to see these photos here...( Thank You Images.Google)

This colour is sweet rite.... i like it...

Yang bawah ni semua sangat lah ROCK..tapi i nak All wear NO hehe
 Kain sangat cantik....

Yang bawah ni... For hari Nikah... NOT bad kan... Hehehe.. Gonna Discuss soon....
I Hope my girls nanti...sporting sporting gitu..... jangan ada yang malu2 and nda mau bergambar... C'monn....Sporting lah sikit's my Big day ok... heheh
It's gonna be my special u're suppose to help me to beautify my Wedding Album...hehehe

Monday, 26 September 2011

Hand Bouquet

Photos courtesy of Images.Googles

Saya nak...semua bunga ni...mix and match..utk my hand bouquet... sebab...jeng jeng jeng... i think u might be able to guess my 1st Reception colour theme... hehehe YES... it's a mixed of this and that.. =)


Free Pre-Wed Photoshoot

Oh i forgot...
Ada 2 Photographer here in Brunei, offered to shoot our Pre-Wed FOR FREE!!!!

FOR FREE ok...FOR FREE!!! and It's Pre-wed... Well... Pre-Wed pun Pre-Wed lahhh hehehe

atleast someone offered to do it for free....

They dont read this but... THANK YOU!!! <3 u both!!!

Monday Blues

Serious... Aku tengah tension...
Tentang Kerja.. dan tentang bilik yang belum siap lagi ni.

Kemarin me and BF pegi Hokko..ingat nak ni.. potong terus lah baju utk tunang...
tapi..tak jumpa warna yg sesuai... jadi tergendala lah lagi niiiii....

We're looking for a pale pale pale pink....d Hokko ada, tapi jenis stretchable. kalau buat skirt ok..tapi baju ndaaaaaa.... jadi mau cari yg lebih sesuai ni. my Tailor(yg biasa d Hokko tu) suruh cari kain lain yg lebih sesuai...
bah mencari tah ni... but malas mau cari... hahaha...
i wish bf ada dekat2 senang tolong cari kan kain sama2..... penat lah nak buat semua sorang2... hmpfff

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Saya Nervous

it's 3 mths and 22 days to go for the Engagement...
Aku NERVOUS tahap gila dah ni.

baju belum ready, barang hantaran belum ready...semua sekali belum ready... bilik masih bersepah belum nak kemas.... MALAS sangat!! apa hal lah malas pompuan nak kawin ni...patut nya dah nak kawin kena rajin, tapi ni makin malas. hehehe....

oh well... i will try my best to be rajin, to prepare everything on time... huhuhu...akak nebes gila. betul ni..nda main2... nervous bah.... hehehehe
and office buat aku stress.....

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Plans for Engagement

I've been talking about Weddings which is 8 more months to go..pffttt..and lupa pasal my engagement which is in 4 mths time...tsk tsk...

My plans for Engagement ceremony will be simple really simple mimple..

1) Baju kurung zip belakang with flowy skirt
2) Tudung selendang yg sewarna dgn that flowy skirt
3) Make-up..Sendirian berhad..since.. im one of the MUA in Brunei(tak byk MUA here yg belum kawin..if u can guess who i am... please dont expose... i still wanna remain anonymous hehe), i think im confident to do it on my it's a simple ceremony..
4) Pelamin or Not, nak bincang ngan mom.. Mana tau Dad nak tolong buat mcm dulu2 dia buat utk my cousins hehe
5) Family... yg makcik2 boleh pakai apa colour je..i would prefer them pakai Green... but the youngsters(the cousins lah), boleh tak pakai Light Green?(eh they still dunno this blog yet...lupa plak hehe)
6) Tent nak cuba sewa yg the new style tent d brunei..yg mcm aladin tu... a Fren can help..he said...dia pandai runding harga
7) Catering i dah set in mind... i hope Aunty ni sihat waalafiat on that day. Aminnnnnn
8) Bf suruh masak! Pfftt... i planned Daging masak kicap OR daging rendang and some Desserts
9) I nak ada Pulut Kuning jugak atas 1 of the dulang... sedap kan pulut kuning dgn Rendang Daging... heheh
10) I hope everything goes well... but sebelum tu.. i need to go send my Kain..hehehe

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Baju baju Baju...again...

I have been so down for the past few days, ok i am very sensitive... But hey, i'm a girl.

I was asked by one blogger why i was like that in my previous post...
It's actually bcoz, i want to wear Dark Purple for the Reception on my side...but the Bf made a joke out of it..HATE it!
The Purple is this purple (but with a tweak of Different coloured Beadings)

Since he made fun of it... i've been browsing other colours(walaupun ia nda tau that i have this blog.. he knew abt my previous blog yg i dah tinggalkan hehe)...and i found theseeeeeeeee....

I tot i cant wear this colour coz it's nude and badan gempal tak cantik TAPII she is a bit gempal but she looks so cantikkkkk.. I might want to talk to the BF..LOL

This Light Brown colour is Pweeettyyyy rite... and that turquoise colour.. imagine turquoise colour shoes heheh

This is Cantik too Righttttttt???

 And Kalau nda pakai tudung... i Would go for this colour.... tapi kalau pakai tudung mcm.. MERAH NYA MAK NGAAAHHHH.... mcm CNY hehe But RED is my Fav colour

Thank you Mr. Google SEARCH for the Photos

Monday, 5 September 2011

Im hurt...

Im not sure if anyone ever went through this situation but at this very moment, i am really hurt inside.
It's all because of The BF. I dont get it why when i like and want something, he never want to support me.. the way i gave my support. When he want something, i have to say yes but when i want something, he kept on saying things which hurt me instead. I really dont like this. Why cant he give the same support like i gave him. Why does he have to keep hurting me..
I dont feel like getting married anymore.. that feelings is gone.. no excitement anymore :'(

Monday, 29 August 2011

Met the Designer

Weeee.... Went to see the Designer for the 2nd Reception yesterday...
I wanted something more simple... But the Designer insisted to have something grand *sigh* But it does look nice...tho' not as what i wanted it to be... But atleast it's LAWA.

Yesterday the BF tot' of Purchasing it for us to keep... but this morning, he told me to "berjimat" lol..which means, we might just sewa the Baju... huhuhu...

and We cant get sponsor for Songket we have to stick with Songket Malaysia.... nda apa bah...Bf yg Iski berabis mau lah hehehe..

we'll see what's the result nanti....

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Task and Responsibilities of Bridesmaid

I forgot one thing to mention in my last post..malas want to i decided to make a new entry

Since it's my Wedding... i get to make orders and want ppl to follow what i WANT..LOL

ok.. Basically, i want Some of them to stay with me(atleast 2-3 and that's in) in the room during preparations..
The rest, i want them to Stay and take care and also HELP my Mom...coz during other functions, im always beside my mom, but since it's my function... and i dont have any other sisters, so these Girls SHOULD and MUST help.

And also Help in making things goes smoothly... not just sit down and get beautiful..hehe
Make things work... and that...i'll have a memorable wedding function...
Insya Allah


Photo by Google Search

I feel like talking about Bridesmaid today... Basically... For me...these are the girls that i will be spending time with dlm tempoh wedding ni lah hehe

Well... My girls will be my Cousins sebelah my Mom..and also my Friends...
But these girls(yg cousins) will only mengiringi time the 1st Receptions... time the 2nd Receptions..i think most dah balik to their own country(awu bah..they're NOT bruneians...)... kalau ada tinggal pun, biar lah jadi tetamu sja on the 2nd receptions.

But as for Pengapit, for 1st receptions... i Dunno... im still confuse who to choose.
for the 2nd receptions, it's gonna be my BestFriend, NM. She agreed!! hehe Thank God!

So, my task is to Hunt for KAIN for the girls... both for 1st Receptions..and also 2nd receptions.. and maybe time Nikah too...and if budget byk sikit... for Berbedak ceremony too....
Mudahan Allah bgi Rezeki lebih...Insya Allah...Aminnnnn.....

Listings for B2B


i Found this list over the internet... Lupa pulak kat mana..

1. kursus kawen -Next yr
2. borang kawen - Next yr..Senang je..ada kawan kerja court
3. pakej andaman - Hmm..susah nak pilih sebab semua pun kawan
4. photographer - sama ni...susah nak pilih sebab semua pun kawan...
5. baju tunang - Kain i dah ada..naik hantar pegi designer..soon
6. hantaran tunang - tak complete lagi ni
7. baju akad - Thinking of a SIMPLE SIMPLE ones
8. sampin akad - Bf beli sndiri
9. baju famili - next yr
10. hantaran kawen- bits by bits next yr
11. cincin tunang - bf kata Family dia dah beli(i DONT like ppl choosing for me anything..but..*sigh)
13. cadar - Emm nanti pikir
14. langsir - i have something in mind
15. tilam - beli dgn katil kan
16. set bilik tdur - hari tu ada nak survey in miri lagi
17. katering - for tunang..thinking of Masi Bedah or Hj Husaini jua..for nikah hj husaini...
18. HIV test - we dont normally do this here in Brunei..but i WANT
19. kad kawen - belum lagi
20. hunnymoon - tak pikir lagi
21. flight ticket - NIL
22. goody-bag - biar mak yg tentukan ni... im thinking of giving kueh sapit Rose
23. sourvenier tamu- sama lah
24. Book Tempat Reception - Thinking of Pusat Insani..TOO EXPENSIVE, Not Worth it.. so kena cari lagi
25. Baju kawin - ada 2 receptions, 2 baju, 1 i will approach Lina Abdul Couture, for 2nd one Bf will choose
26. KASUT- OMG!! i dunno where to get....

What else did i miss? im so... i feel so hopeless and useless...and dunnoless and TOO many Things to do TOO little time....

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Wedding Dress

Hello... been awhile... Wedding is 283 Days left.... NERVOUS!! YES!! VERY MUCH! *gigit jari*

But well... I can say, i have some progress....
We're meeting up one of the Designer this Sunday.. for our 2nd Receptions.. And BF said "OK" if i wanna wear Songket & Lace....yayyy... im not a fan of songket tho'.

Oh, and for the 1st Reception, i'm thinking of Lina Abdul Couture... Ever heard of her? She's a New young Designer, Graduated from KL...based in Belait. I've seen her designs..and i think it's LAWA...Coz it has a Malaysian touch on her Dresses... and ofcoz, for the 1st reception, NO songket for me hehe
Go for Lina Abdul Couture in FB

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

For engagement

Been posting about Wedding Attire's Design recently... and i totally forgot about my Engagement.
I would like to have a simple Dress...yet Gorgeous. Something i can Re-wear...for Hari Raya perhaps...

Here are some designs i would like to have... maybe a mix of this and that..... but colour still deciding..probably Greenish Pinkish....

Photo Source: Google Search

P/s. I wish i have Body like Siti... LOL

Friday, 5 August 2011

Wedding dress

Ok.. I Know i dont have a Body like her.... But her Dress is Uber GORGEOUS!!!
I So want to have this kind of Wedding Dress.... LOVE IT SO MUCH!!
Got this when i googled "Wedding Couture"

Photo Source: Images.Google

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Wedding Attire

I Found a few outfits on the net that...i might like and might consider having for my wedding... But colour will be different lah ahh... =)

The Songket

By Rizalman Ibrahim.... For Songket.... lawa kan?

Love this...

Mau mcm ni....boleh?

yg ni cantik too


Love the workmanship on this baju

also for Songket wedding...

Photos by Google Images

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Wedding Attire idea

Have anyone seen Farah AF2's Wedding photos? I just LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE her Dress...really really LOVE her Dress... It's wonderfully GORGEOUS!!!

Those who have not seen it yet... here.... i post some of it...

Have not talk to the BF about it but im suggesting something like this for our Wedding receptions.....
I hope it's a YES from him hehehe

Monday, 18 July 2011

The Hantarans for Engagement

*Excited* We're counting days(counting Months to be exact..Time flies) for our Engagement.
Was thinking of buying a few things for the Hantaran... told the BF last nite, what we shall buy and he said as soon as the Bonus is out, We're gonna get some stuff like listed below:

For Him
1) Working Attire - Done
2) Set of Perfume - Done
3) Casual Attire (if we cant find any here...KK it is hehehe)
4) Kain Cara Melayu and Sinjang
5) Probably Casual/Sport Shoe

For Her
1) Set of Perfumes and Makeup - Done from Estee Lauder
2) Set of Jewellary
3) Engagement Ring - Done
4) Working Attire / Casual Attire (thinking of buying in KK since im going there after Raya)
5) Bag and Shoes (Cant decide KK i think)
6) Kain and Tudung

I'm also thinking of getting Custom Made Buku Hantaran from Rozi Yunos... but i am yet to decide on the colour. Purple? Pink? Black? Green? Blue?
Lets just email her.... and wait for the answer....  OR should i make my own? But do i have time? Malas ehhh... So lets just get someone professional to do it ;)

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

The Proposal

Well...well... what am i suppose to blog about? i guess i lost the skill of writing hehehe but lets talk about the Proposal....

When the BF proposed, it was like those you see on Movies like during a candle lite dinner or whatsoever...
It was during the time when i really least expect it... was a time when i gave up on our relationship... was those time when i feel like leaving and moving on... But i couldnt believe that, He was still standing strong for this relationship and was thinking of bringing our relationship into the next step. When he said "Marry me", i couldnt resist saying "YES", i didnt actually... i was surprised and i nodded and smile all the way.

Been with him for more than 3 yrs, never thought i would have fall for someone i know over the internet...
I was pretty nervous when we decided to meet up 3yrs ago.. And all i can say is... it was Love at 1st Sight. Never really believe in that... but That's what happened. We had our ups and down... but all that really makes the relationship strong. and when he propose, i dont wanna think twice about it.

Lets just hope..things will go well after this....and hope i wont be a Bridezilla in future... LOL

See you again next time.... Cheers