MIA? Nah..just busy with stuff. I have 33 days to go and guess what… KATIL PUN BELUM DAPAT.
I went to Deli, Jackhan and Sopan sudah. Sopan Katil ok, wardrobe ok but I don’t like the dressing table. Jackhan Wardrobe LOVE but Katil No..and when Katil LOVE Wardrobe NO hehehe and DELI…Katil Simple lawa and Wardrobe BEST hehehe and I also went to Chan Furniture and Sin Siang Hai in Miri. I Love one Bedroom set at Sin Siang Hai..REALLY LOVE IT…but price wise..huhuhuh.. RM8+++..exclude tilam… but wardrobe yg lawa nya atu is 8ft tall..inda muat bilik ku..coz my room rendah sikit.
I told my fiancĂ© that I want bed from Deli and Tilam from Miri.. LOL..they have a really nice tilam. Suka berabis ku… and I wanna get the Drawer there..the one yg mcm the Bedroom Set… hehehe LAWA okayyy..sangat2 lawa!! Sorry no picture allowed there hehehe
33days to go… I’m getting nervous..and Sad at the same time. Quarrel with my brother last nite. For small things..and he keep on talking..i said “sudah tah inda Payah ckp” but he continue and it hurt me a lot. Ntah lah..at times like this I just wish I have sisters..older sister. Kalau kawin nanti.. mudahan Allah bagi rezeki ada atleast 2 anak perempuan…kesian kalau sorang2 huhuhu
Oh.. I’ve booked Wedding Cake from SAPHRON… I like the Idea that Farida from Saphron gave.. it’s just what I want… it’s gonna be a 3-tiered Cake… instead of 5 tier like I wanted. And the 3 tier that she draw..is SO LAWA… seriously.. I am yet to choose the flavor… hehehe
And tomorrow, will be having Pre-Wed photoshoot with the Moments Team.. Sazali Ariff. And It’s FREE…YES… hehehe… That’s what friends are for..esehhh… Thank You Zali!!! And the Theme is Vintage..
So..til the next update… As Salam…
oh.. i dont like the Blog now... hehe