Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Reception Dress Part 2 Reception Dress....
Sorry for the low quality.... pakai HTC jeee....
tak ada camera....
tapi...hope boleh nampak lah hehe

Left to Right: Details on badan, Details d belakang(below shoulder), details di bawah baju

Friday, 6 July 2012

Why do i have 2 Receptions?

This is for KASIH and the rest yang mungkin tertanya tanya kenapa ada 2 Receptions

This goes out to those yang a bit musykil kenapa ada 2 receptions especially cik Kasih.
Cerita nya macam ni, I personally wants a very intimate wedding yang dihadiri only Close Relatives and Close Friends.
I want an event yang kecil but memorable and I want something Malaysian (hate the fact that I don’t prefer Brunei style)

And.. my brothers..too, decided to have an event that doesn’t goes on for too long and take up the whole day or the whole night.
So we decided to do it on the evening of Saturday which starts at 7pm. And since it’s malam, we don’t want our Guest especially the VVIP to wait TOO LONG for the Dinner. Normally kalau Wedding di Brunei ni…Batahhhhh… sampai Gastric pun belum start makan. We don’t want that.
There were question, Kalau start pukul 7pm… Pengantin Lelaki punya jemputan buat pukul berapa? And since it will take 1hour plus to travel from his place to my place..missed lah Magrib.

Jadinya, They decided to do their function, a Week after (this is so Malaysian style…ala-ala Majlis Menyambut Menantu hehehe)

So..kata putus dah di buat.. My receptions falls on the 2nd June. Aturcara nya was like below:

7pm  - 7.30pm   Arrival of Guest
8.00 pm                Perarakan Masuk kedua pengantin
                              Bacaan Doa Selamat
                              Ucapan dari Pihak Keluarga pengantin Perempuan
                                Majlis Merenjis
                                Majlis memotong Cake
                                Dinner with Special performance dari Fakhrul Razi
                                Majlis Bersurai and Pengantin with Parents berarak keluar dan menunggu di pintu utk Bersalaman dgn Para Tetamu.

While the 2nd Receptions took place on the 10th June and aturcaranya macam biasa majlis di Brunei

11.00am – 12.00pm         Menerima Jemputan
12.++ - 12++                      Berziarah
++.++                                 Perarakan masuk Pengantin
                                          Jemputan Makan (and kami pengantin duduk2 di pelamin…lepas tu keluar tunggu d luar hall ehehe)

So.. Yeah.. 1st atu is OUR functions….. and 2nd tu is Their Functions….

Sebab tu ada 2 Receptions hehe Abdul Hamid bin Aji

Here... i post..and show to Pelamin for my 1st Receptions, Nikah and 2nd Reception.

As you see yang bawah ni..1st photo gambar AFTER EVENT hehehe...lampu pun dah pun dah balik...But i also include gambar yang ada lampu.
Maybe you would tot, pelamin ni simple. But actually, with the lightings di Dewan tu, the pelamin compliment each other.
Everyone love it...and i ofcoz.. for someone like me, I LOVE IT. my Pelamin for Nikah and Home..memang suka berabis!

And this..sorry quality gambar KURANG MEMUASKAN... is for my 2nd Receptions

All pelamin are by Abdul Hamid Bin may search his name...also in FB

Semua lah dari FB hehehe

Makeup for Berbedak and Receptions

As i have always mention in my blog..dalam previous2 post (kalau cari pasti ada hehe), i LOVE Malaysian style makeup. It's more natural, more lovely and doesnt make the bride look like a Trans/Drag Queen.
Some love indonesian style coz they said nampak smooth but sometimes it makes the bride look like Drag Queen. Especially kalau ada yg 2-3 colour Eyeshadow... C'mon warna 2-3 tu Zaman Hetty keosendang.. Ni Zaman Siti Nurhaliza... kena ikut peredaran zaman lah hehehe kelassss gitu...

So here it is.. Makeup for my Berbedak.. by Amy Masita (u can search her name in FB). utk B2B malaysia(area KL) yang masih mencari MUA...she is willing to fly off to KL to do your makeup.

Baru 2 kali jumpa Amy...tak pernah buat Trial...and she just came and did my makeup. LOVE IT! even my makcik makcik pun suka sangat...i Love the fact that it's not even HEAVY on my face. Sorry kalau gambar tak memuaskan..belum dpt gambar dari Official Photog.

And this is makeup during my Reception..Also belum dapat dari official photog...sabarrrrrrrr.....
This is by Naqiyah Ishaaq. also you can search her in FB. I love how she did my makeup...sekejap saja. maybe around 30mins... but the effect, VERY NICE.
it suits the occasions...suits the lens that i wore that nite... Alhamdulillah...

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Receptions Dress by S & S Fashion & Dressmaking

The Reception dress, is my MOST FAVOURITE of all. Cheap, Beautiful, Lovely and fits perfectly. Workmanship is marvellous. Exactly just like what i wanted. Simple and Gorgeous. and Alhamdulillah, Everyone love this Dress.

Sorry i dont have an exact Full Dress photo...maybe next time i will upload.

Tapi setakat ani.... ni saja lah yang mampu di upload hehe

My shoulder part

TOP part

Nikah Attire by Lina Abdul Couture

As the title tells, this is my Nikah Attire designed and made by Lina Abdul Couture.

I wanted something it is For nikah.
I requested for something i can Re-Use...a bit pricey tho', compare to my Receptions..tapi i think price wise boleh runding with the Designer.

Me, My Lovely Cuz and My Lovely Niece